Dedicated to producing hard driven Hunting & Field Trial Weimaraners.
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2016 WCA NATIONAL FIELD CHAMPION & National AMATEUR Field Champion "Bailee"

About us:
Our names are Brandon & Taylor Sims located in South Georgia. We bought our first Weimaraner Bailee in 2012 from Meredith Wadsworth, Southpaw Weimaraners out of Roanoke, Va. It didn't take long for this girl to quickly win us over in the field and our home. After a little encouragement from Meredith we ventured into the performance side of things with Navhda, AKC Hunt Test & Field Trials to now, where we are today. Our dogs are hunted hard every season from retrieving doves & ducks, hunting quail, or tracking wounded deer. Even though we compete with our dogs between time we still ask them to do what they were bred for when not snuggled up on the couch with us.
We are planning a Breeding with Louie xHallie this Spring of 2022. COntact us for more info.

Dog News:
- 3/8/2020 Stride 2nd, Sadie 3rd, and Hallie 4th place in AGD Central Georgia Pointing Dog Club.
- 3/8/2020 Ollie 4th Place Central Georgia Pointing Dog Clup 38 entries!
- 3/1/2020 Hallie Wins 19 entry AGD & 2nd Place OGD for 4pts towards her Amateur Field Championship.
- 1/12/2020 Hallie Places 4th for her first Gun Dog Placement, Ollie takes 3rd Place both in Amateur Limited Gun Dog.
- 3/23/2020 Ollie Places in his first Gun Dog stake getting 3rd in OLGD at the North Florida GSP Club.
- 1/1/17 Sadie (Stride x Bailee) gets 3rd in the Central Georgia Pointing Dog Club Field trial.
- 12/8/17 Hallie (stride Bailee) 4th Place Open Derby at the GSP Club of South Ga. field trial.
- 12/7/17 Sadie (Stride x Bailee) 2nd Place in the WCA Derby Nationals.
- 12/5/17 Sadie (Stride x Bailee) 4th Place in the WCA National Futurity.
- 11/16/17 Sadie (Stride x Bailee) 2nd Place Open Derby at the GSP Club of Atlanta field trial.
- 11/4/2017 Ollie (Stride x Bailee) 1st Place Open Derby at the North Florida GSP Club.
- 11/4/2017 Sadie Sadie (Stride x Bailee) 2nd Place in Open Derby at the North Florida GSP Club field trial.
- 11/3/17 Hallie (Stride x Bailee) 1st Amateur Derby at the North Florida GSP club field trial.
- 11/4/17 Hallie (Stride x Bailee) 3rd Open Derby at the North Florida GSP club field trial.
- 11/3/2017 Ollie (Stride x Bailee) 2nd Place Amateur Derby at the North Florida GSP Club field trial.
- 10/15/17 Ray ( Stride x Bailee) 1st in Youth class in her first Field Trial. 8 Field/9 Retrieve
- 9/10/17 Ray ( Stride x Bailee) was awarded Swedish National Weimaraner Club Retrieving Test Champion.
- 10/8/17 Hallie (Stride x Bailee) 2nd Place Derby At the Tomoka Woods Pointing dog club field trial.
- 10/8/17 Stride takes 4th place in Open Gun Dog field trial.
- 8/20/17 Ray (Stride x Bailee) passed Swedish Kennel Club Official Character test (BHP).
- 8/6/17 Ray (Stride x Bailee) scored a 10/10 in Open class Retrieving test.
- 7/8-9/17 Ray (Stride x Bailee) scored 9/10 & 10/10 in Youth Class retrieving test.
- 8/11/17 Jack (Stride x Bailee) Got a Prz. 1 score 108 in his Navhda NA Test.
- 8/6/17 Ollie (Stride x Bailee) Picked up to 2 pts. in the show ring towards his Championship!
- 8/5/17 Ray (Stride x Bailee) passed & scored the Maximum 10/10 in the Open class Water test & Rabbit track. Only 2 of 9 dogs tested that day received this score, Ray happened to be one of the Golden ones.
- 7/9/17 Ray (Stride x Bailee) scored a maximum 10/10 for the youth class in both Water test & Rabbit track.
- 5/2617 Ray (Stride x Bailee) passed her Natural Ability blood tracking test.
- 4/8/17 Sadie (Stride x Bailee) wins 1st Place in Open Puppy at the Old Dominion Vizsla Club for 2pts towards her Field Championship!
- 4/6/17 Sadie (Stride x Bailee) gets 2nd in Open Puppy at the WCA Eastern Classic.
- 4/6/17 Paisley (Stride x Bailee) gets 3rd in Open Puppy at the WCA Eastern Classic.
- 4/5/17 Sadie gets 3rd in Open Derby at the WCA Eastern Classic.
- 3/26/17 Hallie (Stride x Bailee) wins Open Puppy at the North Florida GSP club for 2pts towards her Field Championship!!
- 3/26/17 Ollie takes 3rd place in Open Puppy at the North Florida GSP club.
- 3/19/17 Three pups passed the Navhda NA test all with Prize 1 scores! Sadie 112 pts., Ollie 107 pts., Hallie 112 pts.
- 3/4/17 Both Riesling & Paisley (Stride x Bailee) get Two more legs towards there Junior Hunter title. Atta Girls!
- 3/3/17 Hallie (Stride x Bailee) passed the WCA NRD test at 10 months!
- 3/3/17 Bailee passes the WCA NRD test which includes the needed water test to complete her Field Championship & Amateur Field Championship
- 2/10/17 Ollie (Stride x Bailee) takes 3rd Place in OWP
- 2/11/17 Sadie (Stride x Bailee) gets 2nd Place in AWP
- 2/4/17 Sadie (Stride x Bailee) gets 4th place in AWP for her first field trial placement.
- 12/5-10/2016 Bailee Wins BOTH the WCA National Field Championship & National Amateur Field Championship.
- 11/19/2016 Bailee gets 2nd place in Amateur Limited Gun Dog.
- 11/19/2016 Hallie gets 3rd in a AWP stake.
- 11/12/2016 Louie takes 2nd place in a 17 entry Open Gun Dog stake.
- 11/11/2016 Ollie Takes 1st place for his first point towards his AFC in AWP!
- 11/11/2016 Hallie takes 2nd in Amateur Walking puppy.
- 11/11/2016 Riesling takes 3rd place in AWP.
- 11/11/2016 Paisley takes 4th in AWP.
- 10/15/16 Stride takes 2nd place in a 3pt major AGD stake for a point towards his AFC.
- 10/15/16 Louie gets 3rd for his first Gun Dog placement in a 3pt Major AGD stake.
- 3/25/16 Stride makes his Gun Dog debut Placing 3rd in both AGD & OGD.
- 1/7/16 Bailee wns Amatuer Limited Gun Dog.
- 12/11/15 Bailee wins a 3pt AGD Major
- 2/7/15 Louie wins Amatuer Derby
- 1/2/15 Bailee wins her a Major in AGD retrieving.
- 12/13/14 Bailee wins her first Major in OGD.
- 3/8/13 Bailee picks up her first Pt towards her FC title with a win in Open Puppy.

Saide 2nd & Paisley 3rd in Open Puppy at the WCA Eastern. Trainer Niolaus Scharpf

Hallie wins 4pt Major AGD & 2nd in a 3pt Major OGD

2016 WCA Nationals

Our Dogs doing a little duck hunting between trials